Friday, December 4, 2009

Bringing in the Light ~ Thank you!

Are we happy now? I am and I hope you are too.

The Thanksgiving holiday was nearly perfect with family coming up to Des Moines, New Mexico to join us for a 24 pound turkey dinner with all the sides... except the green beans which we forgot to make... probably because there was already so much being prepared for the dinner table.

The weekend before Thanksgiving at our final show for the season, Live @ Studio C! ~ 3rd Annual Show of Gratitude, Steven F. Havill and Karen Anderson provided us with a night of mystery and music to remember. Guests made it a night for me to be thankful for as we sold art & chocolate off the walls. Read Tim Keller's review here: page 1 & page 2. Read his recent blog about it here.

It's now well into December and the gallery is filled with wonderful art and new treasures. Our holiday show, Miracles, Milagros & Wunder is up and there is room for more. We got a late start on the call for work but that doesn't mean it's too late. Remember the old saying, It's better late than never. Mom was here for the weekend and brought a new item for the shelves: Helen's Shop Sacks, so we all can quit using paper & plastic, and a sweet collection of international folk art. I'm expecting some Christmas trees, pinon, the New Mexican standard in today. We'll be selling them from the gallery and per order. Jodi is working with me to make this an annual tradition. So there's lots to see this year and to get inspired about for next year.

I've been working to make my studio, behind the gallery here, a place to make art rather than a giant closet. I'm excited to see my current series of pastels: The Road to Kindness is taped up and ready for me to spend time as an artist. My gallery director, accountant, and groundskeeper hats are ready for a break and I'm close to putting on my artist's beret.

That is a good summary of what I have to be thankful for! Lots of wonderful friends, devoted and supportive family, multitudes of creative people, performers and gallery visitors who all contribute to the magic that is Studio C ~ A dream we are all building together.

Last weekend Dana came through town and stopped again to see what we have. She also brought me a jar of the raspberry jam her mother makes. Yum! And yes, I was charmed. Matt from Colorado stopped in again and did some shopping for his daughter and enjoyed the freshly brewed coffee while we caught up.

It's been an amazing journey and now that I have visitors returning it's beginning to feel really grand. The gallery continues to improve, slowly but surely and the visions I have for the future get clearer and clearer. It's such a blessing to have this opportunity to grow a business slowly and with love.

I thank you, dear reader, for keeping up with me here and for spreading the word to help me succeed in the crazy adventure of opening an ArtSpace deep in rural America where the sky and land fill the view and become the heart of the viewer.

Thank you gallery visitors and customers... without you some would say this is just a pipe dream... but hey, those folks aren't here to see the beauty or experience the magic. You art lovers and appreciators make my world rock! Thank you so much for a great year!

Come see the gallery. I'll be open extended hours this month before Christmas. Then we take a winter break for two months. I've not decided about the blog... I may not take a break from it. After all, I wouldn't want to let the google crawler see that the site is dark.... now would I?


Till next week!
