Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Flowering Tears

Winter stems dry and pregnant with seed.
Clearing the land, seeds scatter everywhere.

No more laughter till tears glisten.
No more disagreement in philosophies
even as understanding deepened friendship.
No more looking forward to vibrant visits
over lunches shared.
Our potent circle of friends no longer hears your voice.

Did you not understand how much we loved your Soul?

Your heart ached so inconsolably that your husband,
family, and best friend could not convince you to stay.

So suddenly you were gone.

I breathed even as you lay taking your last.
From where I listened nothing would change.
Your intended outcome.
And so, Friend of mine,
And so many others,
You're resting peacefully now.
Your heart no longer aching.

I imagine you singing freely now.
If only I could hear
With these mortal ears
The voice I've just learned that you also sang with.

So much is lost.

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