Friday, December 4, 2009

Bringing in the Light ~ Thank you!

Are we happy now? I am and I hope you are too.

The Thanksgiving holiday was nearly perfect with family coming up to Des Moines, New Mexico to join us for a 24 pound turkey dinner with all the sides... except the green beans which we forgot to make... probably because there was already so much being prepared for the dinner table.

The weekend before Thanksgiving at our final show for the season, Live @ Studio C! ~ 3rd Annual Show of Gratitude, Steven F. Havill and Karen Anderson provided us with a night of mystery and music to remember. Guests made it a night for me to be thankful for as we sold art & chocolate off the walls. Read Tim Keller's review here: page 1 & page 2. Read his recent blog about it here.

It's now well into December and the gallery is filled with wonderful art and new treasures. Our holiday show, Miracles, Milagros & Wunder is up and there is room for more. We got a late start on the call for work but that doesn't mean it's too late. Remember the old saying, It's better late than never. Mom was here for the weekend and brought a new item for the shelves: Helen's Shop Sacks, so we all can quit using paper & plastic, and a sweet collection of international folk art. I'm expecting some Christmas trees, pinon, the New Mexican standard in today. We'll be selling them from the gallery and per order. Jodi is working with me to make this an annual tradition. So there's lots to see this year and to get inspired about for next year.

I've been working to make my studio, behind the gallery here, a place to make art rather than a giant closet. I'm excited to see my current series of pastels: The Road to Kindness is taped up and ready for me to spend time as an artist. My gallery director, accountant, and groundskeeper hats are ready for a break and I'm close to putting on my artist's beret.

That is a good summary of what I have to be thankful for! Lots of wonderful friends, devoted and supportive family, multitudes of creative people, performers and gallery visitors who all contribute to the magic that is Studio C ~ A dream we are all building together.

Last weekend Dana came through town and stopped again to see what we have. She also brought me a jar of the raspberry jam her mother makes. Yum! And yes, I was charmed. Matt from Colorado stopped in again and did some shopping for his daughter and enjoyed the freshly brewed coffee while we caught up.

It's been an amazing journey and now that I have visitors returning it's beginning to feel really grand. The gallery continues to improve, slowly but surely and the visions I have for the future get clearer and clearer. It's such a blessing to have this opportunity to grow a business slowly and with love.

I thank you, dear reader, for keeping up with me here and for spreading the word to help me succeed in the crazy adventure of opening an ArtSpace deep in rural America where the sky and land fill the view and become the heart of the viewer.

Thank you gallery visitors and customers... without you some would say this is just a pipe dream... but hey, those folks aren't here to see the beauty or experience the magic. You art lovers and appreciators make my world rock! Thank you so much for a great year!

Come see the gallery. I'll be open extended hours this month before Christmas. Then we take a winter break for two months. I've not decided about the blog... I may not take a break from it. After all, I wouldn't want to let the google crawler see that the site is dark.... now would I?


Till next week!


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hearing the Light

I am so looking forward to Studio C's 3rd Annual Show of Gratitude! It's been an interesting and dynamic three years since I started this adventure.

Karen Anderson, shown in this photograph taken by Tim Keller, shares a double bill this Saturday with author Steven F. Havill. Books by Steven and CD's by Karen will be available for purchase and both artists will be happy to sign them for you. The Chronicle News ran Tim's preview about the show so we are getting a good buzz. I'll post some links soon so you can read it.

Right now the gallery walls are mostly blank... waiting for the new work I've put out a call for... yes, it's a little late, but we still look forward to a good response to the call for holiday arts and treats. I'm about to change those blank walls with some new prints Tim has brought in just for this show. I'm excited to see what else will come in from our community! And of course I'm anxious to get cracking on some of my own ideas!

There is much to do before the show Saturday... I feel like the Fezziwigs of A Christmas Carol... This business is a great journey for me and this special holiday is a great time to celebrate all the blessings that another year has brought. Thank you, dear reader, for being part of it!

In speaking of the adventure of learning to run a business I'll share with you one of my challenges. I am one of those people who live in the moment... so much so that I can lose all sense of time. One of my challenges with retail is that one has to live in the future!

Let me explain: It's Thanksgiving season for me... pumpkins, Indian corn, colors of rust and mustard and winter grasses flowing across the plains. I just can't rush past Thanksgiving and into the reds and greens and whites and blues of Christmas and Chanukah..... call me old fashioned I guess! I remember as a child that there were distinct seasons. Now Halloween shares shelf space with Christmas in the "real" retail world and somewhere in there Thanksgiving gets thrown in, almost as an after thought!

Here at Studio C I strive to be thoughtful in my choices... and to learn as I go what works best. One thing I do know, Miracles, Milagros & Wunder ~ Small Works & Local Flavors Holiday Show is a great opportunity to bring in new talent, to give artists and artisans an opportunity to grow, and to provide our community a place to shop local and support local artists. This will be an annual show and I'm open to ideas and looking to create a win, win, win event. I welcome your comments!

Last week Judy stopped in for some coffee for her parents. Nathan & Tim stopped in on their way to Boulder having been on a deer hunting trip in Texas... they bought coffee to go and chocolate and admired the gallery. Nathan's boots were very cool, and I, being hard-wired as a costume designer, complimented him which brought up the subject of a great boot shop in New Mexico: Joe's Boot Shop.

Speaking of gratitude, gratefulness and thanksgiving~ Feel free to leave yours in a comment. It will be good to read and share. I hope you will!


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Giving Thanks

It's upon us! The holiday season is about to begin... Billy & Buddy are spreading the news with details for several gift bazaars and decorating parties. Listen to KRTN radio, 93.9 starting at 8:00 a.m. for all the local goings on.

Christmas, Chanukah, Muharram, Winter Solstice, Kwanzaa, New Years' Eve and Epiphany all fall during the winter months. It points out how connected we all are. The season guides us into reflection, celebration and an honoring of sacrifices made in the quest to realize the great dream of peace and good will on earth. Someday our struggles for peace and liberty for all will be realized; these holidays are part of our journey towards a loving and compassionate world.

I love Thanksgiving. Soon plenty of us will celebrate the blessings that our forefathers' and mothers' had in landing on this continent and finding the people here gracious and helpful. Remembering this, we gather together with good food and love in our hearts to express our gratefullness and gratitude for all of our bounty.

Studio C is celebrating it's third annual Show of Gratitude this year. It is amazing to me that life allows me to live my dream and has brought so many talented people together to celebrate the arts and creativity. Thank you for sharing in this wonderful way.

I am putting together our next show: Miracles, Milagrow & Wunder~ Small Works and Local Flavors. Call for information: 575-278-3517.

Coming up in the area:
* Friday November 13 - 15, at The Luna Theatre in Clayton, New Mexico:
Where the Wild Things Are 7:00 p.m. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
* Monday at The Schuler Theatre in Raton, New Mexico:
* Tuesday November 17th, 5:45 p.m. at Old Pass Gallery:
Raton Arts & Humanities Council's Humanities & Education Committee meeting: ~Bring your dinner, your planner & your ideas. If you are interested in promoting the arts through the humanities and education then you are welcome to join us.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Message of Hope

Celebrating the perfection of nature and striving to bring positive change to our world can only be a good thing. Here's to Billy & Buddy and all the crew at KRTN radio who do a fantastic job promoting local businesses and community events. Thank you so much for your support and your wonderful weekday morning talk show: This, That & the Other. The best way to find out what is going on in our area!

I've enjoyed having the student artwork hanging in the gallery these last six weeks. I'm glad that the students' get their work back after 5 months "On Tour". Here I show the photograph Tim took at last Wednesday's reception for the artists and the community. Thank you to everyone who came by to see the show and show their support for Art Plays Its Part!

Thank you to Ashley and Jalane for providing refreshments through the newly formed Parent School Organization. We appreciate you and hope to see this new organization grow and thrive! Read about the the show in Tim's article in the Chronicle News: page 1, page 2.

I am excited about our next two big endeavors! First is our Third Annual Show of Gratitude coming up soon on Saturday November 21st. This is our traditional potluck and entertainment night. No cover, just bring a side dish or dessert, Studio C supplies the turkey complete with stuffing, gravy and cranberry sauces. It all starts at 5:30 here at Studio C where we'll share a delicious meal together.

This year we have a double feature: Karen Anderson on her harps and Steven F. Havill reading from his newest NM mystery novel: Red Green or Murder. Karen's CD's and Steven's books will be available for sale. Karen & Steven will be happy to sign them for you. As is our tradition, we will start the evening entertainment with the open mike. Bring your notes and stories, songs and pictures on the theme of gratitude and share your heart with this wonderful gathering of creative souls. Please email me if you have any questions~ I'll be happy to answer them.

The next endeavor is a holiday show: Miracles, Milagros y Wunder: Small Works & Local Flavors. I invite local artisans and crafters to bring work and goodies to sell in the gallery. Call for details: 575-278-3517.

Thursday was a really busy day! Mike came by to help out with lighting issues. Ray came by to see the student show. Abbie stopped in to ask about the holiday show on her way to the garden club meeting at the senior center. Susie came in to see what there is to do in town so I hooked her up with the ladies of the Folsom & Des Moines Garden Club who were in the gallery after their lunch at Des Moines Senior Center. It was pretty much non-stop with travelers and local folk stopping in, enjoying coffee and making the day fly by.... in fact, keeping me from this blog entry!

Friday Suzanne came by and we had a great visit. She is headed to the annual meeting of the Lariat Cow Belles' next Wednesday at 10:00 am at the Clayton County annex building. She invites any woman who is interested in joining this local chapter of the New Mexico Cow Belles to join them for this event. Lunch will be provided. Questions: Email.

Today, Mike stopped in with his two sons in on their way to Texas to pick up a new pickup. Jean Francois from Canada stopped in for coffee... he's on a 6 month bike tour from Canada to Peru & Chile. Sasha and Marcello were in too! Thanks for the pie-crust consultation Sasha!

So, we'll be bringing in Thanks Giving and Holiday Cheer... come by and add yours! Make your days fun and engage your creativity and your muscles. We are all born with the capacity to create beauty, each of us leading a life that is beautiful, rich and generous, striving to make a better world for all... remember that as we move forward in our days. There is more than enough to go around! Share your blessings with everyone you can... the way to peace is with each other.



Saturday, October 31, 2009

All Saints Day~


Change is in the air; freezing days of blizzards blowing and rain freezing have given way to a lovely day of sunny warmth with wet ground under foot. It's Halloween here in Des Moines, New Mexico and most of the snow has been blown away by fearsome winds. Today the winds have quieted, just in time to get out the costumes and begin painting faces.

Tonight we'll be entertained by scary stories from Ashley Bauer; singing along to some raucous blues, original pop, and poetic verse as Peter Burg turns up the heat in the gallery. That's good because Studio C is chilly place so wear your tights and long-johns when you this evening... I've got the heater going and Janet is bringing another to help out in the gallery... still, a warm fuzzy sweater is always a good idea once the temperatures outside dip below freezing consistently. To get a sense of the days recently check out Tim's recent photograph taken on his way to work earlier this week.

I'm planning to install a wood-stove to supplement my solar heating system which has been thwarted this season with all the grey sky days we've had these last two weeks. Today the sun has just come out so the solar gets to work... hopefully we'll have sunny days now.... not sure what has happened to our southwestern sunny day average but I'm ready for it to return.

Reading Alert! I did it... the first time in quite a while... Reading Steven F. Havill's recently published historical crime mystery Race for the Dying, I stayed up till 4:00 a. m. because I couldn't stop reading! Steven will be reading from his newest book, to be released in November, at our upcoming Show of Gratitude on Saturday November 21st.

Coming Up at Studio C:

Art Plays Its Part!
Wednesday November 4th 5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Reception for student artists & community
Miracles, Milagros und Wunder ~ Small Works & Local Flavors
~ A Holiday Show
Artists are invited to submit small works and handmade gift items for sale in the gallery.
For more information call me at 575-278-2040 or 57o5-447-2016

Live @ Studio C! November 21st, 2009 Our Third Annual Show of Gratitude
We'll have a double feature this year!
Karen Anderson will bring her harps to grace the evening with her beautiful music
She will have CD's for sale.
Steven F. Havill will read from his newest book, just released: Red Green or Murder
We will have copies for sale and he will be signing books.
I'm still looking for spotlight acts... give me a call if you are interested!

News around the Community:
* Book Mobile November 19th @ Des Moines Senior Center 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. then at Des Moines School 3:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. This is a very cool thing! Did you know that the best way to learn how to write is to read a lot?

* Congratulations to Vital Roads on their Adopt-A-Highway project. Vital Roads will be taking care of the roads into Folsom, Des Moines and Capulin for one mile in each direction. That is a lot of miles of highway if you count both sides of the road. You can sign on to help and find out more about Vital Roads by emailing

Looking forward to the tricks and treats here tonight... come on out and enjoy the show!



Sunday, October 25, 2009

Positive Thinking~

Sure enough~ found my groove with the blog and life takes its twists and turns and now it's been seven weeks since I've posted. Wow! Seven, my sister says, is the number of the Universe. Tim says it's time!

Well~ I trust my path and so today I make the choice to take the time to post the news. Firstly,
the next Live @ Studio C! comes next Saturday, October 31st~ Halloween~ and will be a fun night for all!

Peter Burg, musician, poet, playwright, artist and all around sage of the well lived life will be our featured act. That's his handsome mug you see, photographed by Tim Keller. Peter is bringing his friend Rick Terlep who will accompany him on the slide guitar. They are a dynamic duo!

Peter's recent CD release Dizzy Light has been a delight to share with gallery guests. Peter has been working on new songs, a new play and undoubtedly new poems... his performances are always vibrant high energy events that are not to be missed. I highly recommend this night to you and your guests. Come on out, wear your costumes and enjoy an evening of fun.

Ashley Bauer will thrill us as our spotlight act with her "Tales from the Cauldron".... I'll be in full costume and invite you to try, just try to out do me. Speaking of out doing... I hear rumor that Kathryn Engel is looking to bring her dramatic talents to the show with a goal to take on storytelling..... this evening is looking to bring out the best in some of our local talent. You won't want to miss it will you?

Currently the gallery of Studio C is featuring artwork by students from Des Moines Schools who participated in Art Plays Its Part! They have graciously allowed us to take their work to 3 exhibitions. In June the work travelled to Albuquerque to the 48th annual New Mexico Arts & Crafts Fair, then in August the work was shown at the Union County Fair, and in September the work travelled back to Albuquerque and hung in the School Arts Building at New Mexico State Fair. We'll hold a reception for the community to honor the students and their teachers on Wednesday November 4th from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Come out and celebrate this homecoming with us. We'll be looking forward to seeing you and to celebrating the creative work of Des Moines School Students. Questions? Give me a call at 575-278-3517.

Well, it's been a long time coming so I'm keeping it short and sweet.

Thanks for reading and for sending your friends and family to Studio C! If it were not for the support of the community and my visitors I would not be here. I thank each and everyone who has made a place for Studio C in their hearts and look forward to making many more friends along this creative journey.



Saturday, September 5, 2009

Angels Songs

If we are lucky, we experience true connection in our lives on a relatively frequent basis. For me this often manifests as a tingling sensation on my skin and a flood of blissful serenity. I like to go out into Nature where I am able to find this connection. Sometimes it is the vista ahead, or a particularly beautiful tree, or perhaps a cloudscape and the perfect light. This can also happen during live performances when there is deep appreciation for the beauty being presented... whether it is music, dance or theatre.

One of the reasons I like small performance spaces so much is the proximity to the performers which makes the experience that much more visceral. So, imagine if you will, my bliss when we turned the stage over to Gabrielle Louise and David Rynhart last Saturday and were immediately brought into connection with these two lovely people and their exemplary musicianship, compassionate and vibrant hearts, and joy in performing for an appreciative audience here in Des Moines New Mexico.

It was a show that will not be forgotten by anyone in the room. I am playing Gabrielle's CD's, cigarettes for sentiments and Journey here in the gallery. The sweet harmonies and earnest sentiments that we experienced during the live performance infuse the recordings with the memories of a truly wonderful event here for Live @ at Studio C! I want to thank our audience for their wonderful generosity during the passing of the hat. Gabrielle & David were so grateful for the wonderful listening audience and are looking forward to returning to Studio C for another performance. To our benefit they will be letting other performers know about the wonderful scene we have going on here, March - November on the last Saturday of the month, (except November's show which is on the Saturday before Thanksgiving). Gabrielle & David stayed upstairs in Suite B and rested here in Des Moines Sunday before their evening performance in Trinidad for Concerts for Causes. We got a chance to know them and they got a chance to experience small town rural Northeastern New Mexico. We're looking forward to more great shows here at Studio C. Thank you Gabrielle & David for making us a stop on your tour.

Thank you to all of you who support Live @ Studio C! We are building a reputation for being a meaningful performance venue. It is a big thrill to see the show becoming its own entity. So, by now, those of you who were not here probably wish you had been! I've posted several photographs taken by Tim Keller during the show in my Studio C set on Flickr. I've got Gabrielle's latest CD, cigarettes for sentiment, for sale. I'm looking forward to your visit!

The art is changing here in the gallery.... This week International Bank in Raton New Mexico presents its 33rd Annual International Art Exhibit and Sale. Several artists I represent in the gallery, Tim Keller, Nathaniel Franklin and Yvonne O'Brien are taking their work to the show today. The show will be up Wednesday - Friday evening when there will also be a wine & cheese reception for artists and the much anticipated awards ceremony. Mark your calendars for 6:00 p.m. Friday September 11th and join in the celebration in The International Room at International Bank.

Did I say what I'll be hanging next? I've decided to take some time in the gallery for my art. I'll keep some pieces of all of my artists, but in the blank spaces I'll hang my work. I'm going to bring out my Ode to Frida installaton. That should keep things interesting while we wait for student work from Des Moines Schools Art Plays Its Part! to come home from the school art exhibit at the state fair. I'll be hanging the student pieces next Wednesday and driving back up just in time to open the gallery on Thursday morning at ten. Plan on visiting the Youth/School Arts Building if you are at the the New Mexico State Fair this year.

Steven and Peter just stopped in for a visit after taking a trip to the Folsom Museum and having lunch here in Des Moines at Sierra Grande Restaurant. Steven is the author of the Sheriff Bill Gastner mystery novels. His most recent novel, Race for the Dying, is a departure from the Sheriff Gastner series, is a historical novel dealing with medical mail order diagnosis and will be available in early October. I learned today that he plays classical flute! My flute was honored to have him play a tune on it. I got some basic tips to help me along on my way to learning how to play it. Peter is an art dealer from Albuquerque who had some wonderful suggestions for me to grow the gallery with. It is always fun for me to see the myriad ways in which Studio C fulfills its mission ~"Where Creativity Grows!" There is a symbiotic relationship between my visitors and Studio C. Creativity is nurtured in a circular direction with the spiral always expanding and rising towards inspiration.

Well, it's time to tune the radio to 93.9 KRTN fm radio for Little Sharon's Country Cafe... and mention a couple of events coming up:

Second Summer Arts Street Fair, September 26th in Des Moines New Mexico.
Second Capulin Volcano Run, September 27th in Capulin & Folsom New Mexico.
Second Fall Harvest Festival, October 17th at Rainbow Ranch, Folsom New Mexico.
Thirty-Sixth Annual Clayton Arts Festival, October 3 & 4 in Clayton New Mexico.
Raton Bearfest - Fine Arts & Craft Show, October 10 & 11 in Raton New Mexico.

Billy D is hosting Little Sharon's Country Cafe while Sharon is out exploring New Mexico events for her New Mexico writings... maybe at the Cleveland Millfest which is happening right now. I'm enjoying the show and hope you'll tune in if you're reading this from KRTN's listening area.

I hope all of you will come see our artists and visit me here Thursdays through Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and on Sundays from 12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m. Tell your friends who are traveling through to be sure to stop in. I'll remind you all that I am happy to open by appointment also. Send me an email and we can work something out!

Blessings of Bliss to all of you!


Friday, August 28, 2009


This life is such an adventure! I've been riding my bike regularly for two months now. New strength, calm and the start of a new poem has come to me as the wind resists or assists me in the stunning terrain that we are blessed to live amongst.

I've been enjoying a lovely stream of visitors in the gallery this week. Victoria came in early to pick up copies of the Chronicle News which has been reporting on the Herzstein Memorial Museum's recent Old West Days. Janet came by to drop off some items she knew I'd make good use of. Both went off into their days with chocolate to sweeten things up.

Later, Sandra & her husband John stopped in for the first time. They are building a home east and north of here and Sandra is looking to bring together a vocal ensemble to sing classical music. She gave me an impromptu voice coaching which synchronistically answered a question I had about my own vocal training (I just started taking lessons with my dear friend Carmen who lives in Albuquerque). I am looking forward to hearing Sandra's group! Maybe they'll debut a song at one of our open mikes in the future!

Tomorrow, Saturday August 29th, is Live @ Studio C! I am proud to present Gabrielle Louise and her partner David Rynhart as our featured act. For more information read Tim's article about Gabrielle Louise in the Chronicle News: page 1, page 2. Kathryn Engel is in the spotlight and presents a dramatic reading to warm us up.

Kicking it all off, as is the tradition here at Studio C, will be the open mike. All forms of performance and presentation are welcome at our open mike. Traditionally, open mikes provide a nurturing time and space for anyone brave enough to step in front of those assembled to share their talent. They provide you an opportunity to grow and the audience an opportunity to get to know more about you. I hope you'll come see the show Saturday and even sign up for a spot on the open mike. Send me an email and I'll add you to the list. Abbie did!

We are gearing up for another fall full of events....

Calling all types of creative people! Come set up to sell what you have at our 2nd Summer Arts Street Fair here in Des Moines New Mexico on Saturday September 26th from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Click vendors for more information. There will be food, fun, and stuff to buy. Support your local economy in the truest of senses... buy from friends and neighbors. Your money will be circulating in our community which is GOOD thing! I also encourage you to spend some time developing your own crafts and harvests for sale. We often have more than we need in our gardens... this is a perfect opportunity to share and make some money. I'm drying herbs myself! It's fun to see my shelves begin to show signs of abundance beyond my own household needs. I'm keeping things simple; living by the credo to "Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle" so overhead is low even while I'm producing high quality herbs and plants to sell. I wonder what you have that could provide you with added income and our Summer Arts Street Fair shoppers wonderful choices for their hard earned dollars. Questions? Let's open this up for discussion. Leave a comment with your ideas. Let's grow our creativity together!

Next month in September, Live @ Studio C! will be a little different~ It's a field trip! We'll meet at The Mandala Center for their fall evening concert: September Sizzle. The Mandala Center presents Randi Whitman, Eileen Terry and Valerie Powell. They are a very accomplished trio comprised of flute, piano and soprano voice. The event is free and includes a wine & cheese reception. The Mandala Center would love an RSVP and donations are greatly appreciated.

If you want to hear about what is going on in our area, one of the BEST things to do is to tune in to KRTN, 93.9 FM radio out of Raton, New Mexico and listen to the dynamic duo of Billy D and Buddy Springer. They do a wonderful morning talk radio show called This, That & The Other. Sponsored by several local businesses, Billy and Buddy welcome any and all who come to the studio Monday through Saturday to talk about... well, this that & the other! Thank you Billy & Buddy for a terrific show!

Wes, on his way back to Durango from San Antonio is sitting out front with a cup of organic fair trade Guatemala Maya Ixil coffee, freshly ground and brewed, enjoying the sound of water running in Nathaniel Franklin's two water sculptures. He's in a blessed time in his creative journey and knows that there is plenty of time to get to Colorado. He's taking time to stop and smell the roses and savor the delicious coffee grown and picked and purchased at fair living wages. A nature lover and nutritionist in training, customers like Wes are part of why I love growing Studio C!

I hope you will come by the gallery to see what we have to offer. Studio C is growing and changing as we all do. Life is rich with Joy and discovery for all of us. I send you vibrant bliss!



Friday, August 21, 2009

Good Bye Tom Fool Paisley

Today has been a grand day. Anna & Marissa stopped in on their way back to Dallas. They were on a road trip to show Anna, visiting from Scotland, the sights in TX, OK, KS, CO & NM. They did some shopping and thus, goodbye to Tom Fool Paisley. He is a handmade horse figure made by New Mexico artist Amy Caldwell. Amy's horses are so cute it's just crazy!

I am excited about the Old West Days being held in Clayton, New Mexico tomorrow. (Clayton is the next town 40 miles east of here.) Read about the event here. I can't go but I hope you will, and if you'll be driving through town stop in to visit.

I'm swimming in Endangered Species chocolate thanks to the new order I recently made! big bend coffee roasters' whole bean organic fair trade beans are here by the pound for your morning java pleasure... or take a cup to go as you head on down the road; east to Clayton, west to Raton.

Gabrielle Louise will be here with David Rynhart on the 29th to wow you with her original songs, expressive playing and warm generous spirit. Kathryn Engel will be here too, she's bringing an heirloom letter from her great grandfather and will give a dramatic reading which is sure to inspire you! I encourage you to bring something of your talent to share with us as we start the show with our open mike. You'll be glad you did!

A big shout out to new friends Sherry Wolf & Steve Knight at knight/wolf studios in Cimarron New Mexico. Yvonne O'Brien introduced me to Sherry & Steve during the reception we held in celebration of her show. Yvonne's photography is available at their gallery, Old Town Gallery located at 114 East 17th Street in Cimarron and here at Studio C in Des Moines New Mexico.

I'm headed out to watch my swallowtail butterfly worms...... hope you too are enjoying this fabulous late summer weather!

Blessings and Salutations~


Friday, August 14, 2009

Changing Times, Changing Ways

Well, the day has begun! We've got great weather, 30% chance of rain, blustery warm winds and inspiration from new projects getting underway.

New T-shirts from Chiapas Mexico artist Nono Espejo have arrived. Come by to see his new shirts in both men's and woman's styles/sizes. His Mayan-inspired images are batiqued and tie-dyed in deep rich colors that are perfectly tuned to the fall season coming up.

Don't forget to mark your calendars for August's Live @ Studio C! Saturday August 29th we are featuring Gabrielle Louise with David Rynhart. This is a night not to miss. Be sure to check out Gabrielle's link so you know why. We'll also spotlight Kathryn Engel and of course hear from the adventurous participants who sign up for our open mike. Did I tell you about our give-a-way at our July show? (I've decided that we'll be giving some "door prizes" away. You never know what that will be and you do have to be present to win.) Last month Sharon Niederman won a loaf of pineapple nut bread made fresh for the evening by Abbie Reaves. Abbie's breads are available here each Sunday at the Des Moines Area Farmers' Market which will be here from 11:00 am - 3:00 pm.

The Union County Fair is in progress and Art Plays Its Part! student work is hanging in the show barn in Clayton. Students should all be proud; the work looks wonderful! FYI the Colfax County Fair is also going on. The work will come down Saturday and then make its way to the State Fair/ New Mexico Expo in September. Talk about well travelled!

The Herzstein Memorial Museum in Clayton, just 45 miles east of here is hosting a new event on Saturday August the 22nd from "noon - ????". Presenting a full day of fun with their first ever "Old West Days". There'll be long horn cattle to get your photo taken with, good food, arts & crafts booths, games, historical reenactments and in the evening music and a street dance. Attendance is free. All this will be at 22 South Second Street in Clayton New Mexico.

Speaking of events, there is a new open mike in Raton. The series is called Second Wednesdays. Pay a $5.00 cover fee, sign up and share your talents at the El Raton movie theatre on the second Wednesday of each month! Hey, with that schedule I can even go sign up.... proceeds from the night will go to the Wounded Warrior Project.

I've received the prospectus for a new event in Raton, Raton Bearfest - Fine Arts & Craft Show which will be held in Raton October 10th & 11th at Ripley Park. Artists are juried into the show. Entries must be postmarked by September 21 and include fees. Email Cindy Montoya for details.

Here in Des Moines we are getting ready for our second annual community events series! Were putting out the call for vendors, artists and artisans to show and sell your wares on Saturday September 27th during our Summer Arts Street Festival. Send us an email for more information.

Check out Tim's blog this week for information about the Folsom Museum and goings on there.

So, there it is! Another week here in the gallery has arrived. I hope you'll come by for some coffee and chocolate and fresh veggies and of course: ART!

Thanks for leaving your comments here on the blog. It's such an honor to know you are reading and enjoying this news.

Blessings and Magnified Creativity to you!


Friday, August 7, 2009

Facing West

Actually.... we're facing north in this view of Studio C but we are looking directly at the works of sculpture by Nathaniel Franklin, our currently featured artist, lit up in the early evening sky.

Tim and I just returned from a mini-vacation at The Little Tree B&B in Taos where we took advantage of the lovely accommodations to rejuvenate. Yep. We did pretty much nothing but read, sleep and eat in celebration of our 10th wedding anniversary, my recent birthday, and 23 years of joyful journey together. It was a perfect time in the busyness of our lives to step back and reflect. We wandered back to Des Moines via the 3 T's Art Trail yesterday. Thanks to Sasha who helps me out on occasion. She is a fine artist and lovely person to have in the gallery.

We just received a new shipment of hand batiqued and tie-dyed T-shirts which I'll be putting out as soon as I get this blog update published. Nono Espejo is the artist we continue to import after meeting him at the plaza market in San Cristobal de las Casas in Chiapas Mexico. The colors he works with are rich and exotic, perfect for the fall palate. They are further embellished with Mayan inspired images done with the batique process. We love them and continue to import them as they have proven to be very popular. This new collection comes to us just in time for your back to school shopping!

I'm keeping it short today since there is so much to do... Tomorrow afternoon Studio C will be the place to be between 3 & 6 with a reception for the artist, Nathaniel Franklin. Come by to enjoy the festivities, visit with Nathaniel and see the work we are all raving about. We'll be christening the west gallery "The West Gallery" and Nathaniel will discuss his work. It will be an arts event not to be missed! Want more information? Read Tim Keller's review of Nathaniel's work: p. 1, p. 2.

Are you craving chocolate? We just received a new shipment of Endangered Species Chocolates in assorted styles and flavors... come on in to support your happiness and better health through chocolate... I'm just about to open the box now!

Life is indeed full of pleasures that I am blessed to be able to offer here at Studio C!

Blessings and Songs of Joy!


P.S. Do leave a comment! I'd love to hear your thoughts!


Saturday, August 1, 2009

Rainy Days Remind me of Scotland!

Well, I've been enjoying the Scottish rainy day here in Des Moines! I was all set to write this entry early before I opened the gallery until I went out to feed our birds... the drizzle, the wet spongy ground, the beautiful morning light... I was transfixed by the days of rain we've enjoyed these last weeks. I did some light gardening! I've got lovely flowers and herbs to fill the vases here. I've had a shop full of internet cafe patrons. I've downloaded the camera and have some new images to share with you!

It's been fun even as you've been waiting to get the news this week!

OK Here it is:

First off, mark your calendars for next weekend, Saturday August 8th from 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. We'll be presenting Nathaniel Franklin with a reception for the artist. Come out to meet Nathaniel and see his work in person.

You might be planning on going to the Folsom Museum on the 8th see Dorothy Smoker in a chautauqua. Come by Studio C first 3:00, meet & visit with Nathaniel and others at our reception and then drive the 9 miles to Folsom to see the chautauqua at 4:00.

Sunday we'll have fresh veggies and homemade breads here Sunday from 10:00 - 4:00. The Farmers' Market is a great place to meet your friends and neighbors, share some recipes and take home some good foods. We're looking for more vendors... just come on over with your goodies and set up next to Sunny.

Speaking of Sunny, it was earlier today but now the rains have come and all is drenched yet again! The New Mexico gourd vine is threatening to take over but the ground is wet so I can easily pull it. I was here at 7:30 pulling the new crop of vines... I pulled for 3 hours 3 weeks ago getting every vine I could see... though I swear that it does grow even as you pull it! I've got another half hour to go to get the last of it. I'm composting it so all that lovely greenery will eventually help the grounds look even better.... still remember some fun things my brother & sister and I did with them when we were younger. Have any good stories about New Mexico gourd vine? Tell your story in the comments.

Inge Bobek's stained glass bottle hummingbird feeder is full of sweet nectar and the hummers are coming in to feast!

Sharon Niederman stopped in with her husband Chuck last Saturday and read during our open mike. She's working on a new novel and read her first chapter, fresh off the writing pad, after her week at the Taos Writers Festival. She is going to be presenting a memoir writing workshop, Writing from Personal Experience: Memoir, Journal, Family History and More, at The Mandala Center later this fall. Check out the links to find out more information so you can plan to attend!

I've got fresh coffee in and will send out another order for chocolate this weekend. All is well here at Studio C! The only thing missing is you! Hope you'll stop in soon!



Thursday, July 23, 2009

Summer Sings!

And now another week has passed and we are getting ready for Live @ Studio C!

This month's show, as always, starts at 5:30 with our open mike. The space is so intimate that we've dispensed with the mike, come up to the performance lectern to try your hand at performance. Our audience is wonderfully receptive and generous with their appreciation. You will have fun and we will all gain from listening to your offering. Nathaniel Franklin will be here to do a spotlight, talking about his show currently hanging in the gallery. The evening leads up to our featured act: Tim Keller. I'm pleased to present him this summer. I know you will enjoy his lively storytelling and sensitive singing.

Studio C is proud to show the paintings and sculpture of Nathaniel Franklin through August 30th. We'll have a reception for the artist on Saturday August 8th from 3-6. As an artist Nathaniel has many talents to draw from. His sculptures are combinations of found metal farm and ranch equipment. His paintings draw from the colors of nature as lived on the ranch he calls home. Nathaniel's poetic vision inspires whimsical constructs that remind the viewer of days long past when survival made engineers of necessity out of us all. Come see the work and on August 8th meet Nathaniel. He'll be happy to answer all of your questions. His work is dynamic and expressive. I expect his career to bring great value to these works as the years go by. Don't miss this opportunity to purchase one and start your collection.

So much is going on around town that once again I'm remiss in keeping a weekly update coming your way!

In the time I've been "silent" I've seen the Ralph R. Memorial Photography Exhibit & Sale, sponsored by the Raton Arts & Humanities Council in Raton New Mexico. That's 38 miles west at the foot of the Sangre De Cristo mountains. I was proud to be with Tim Keller whose portrait of Archie West won best of show. You can still get raffle tickets for a framed 18" x 27" framed print of Ralph Solano's Box Car Graffiti Art. They are $5.00 each. Drawing will be Friday, July 31st. Funds raised will go towards Raton Arts & Humanities Council's youth activities. We hope to create a scholarship or present photography classes. The Solano Family will decide which direction to go. While we viewed the wonderful photography, I visited with Carol Woodworth who reminded me to see the Kaleidoscope Players this summer. She and her husband Howard are supporters of the Santa Fe Trail School for the Performing Arts. The school is in its sixth season presenting shows in repertory, this summer, through August 4th. Check out their calendar for dates.

Summer Art! T-shirt painting classes were a blast. The students' work was beautiful and we all had fun while learning about the seven elements of art: line, shape, form, space, texture, value & color.

Tim & I are working on some new promo shots for the gallery. Check out this whimsical construct of ours... Rhodi agreed to do a product shot while Tim worked on a portrait of her for his current writing project.

So, there it is~ I'll be happy to see you here this weekend... or, whenever the muses move you to join us here at Studio C, Where Creativity Grows!

So, that's the news!


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Switching Lanes

Today is a perfect summer day. Warm and sunny with a breeze blowing the scent of honeysuckle across the land.

I'm getting ready for tomorrow night's show with Tim Keller and Karyna Cragin. Karyna is coming up from Santa Fe to share her wonderful musicianship with us. She plays the African balafone, marimbas, piano, guitar and her lovely voice. It's her first show as the lead act and I am honored to have her grace our ArtSpace with her talents. It's always a great evening with wonderful stories told, laughter shared and sometimes even tears shed. I invite you to come on out with a friend or two.... Sign up for the open mike and tell us what you did for Fathers' Day or how your family celebrated last week.

It's looking like the fancy colored corn seeds that friend Tom brought me are doing well here at Studio C! Knee high by the fourth of July is looking good!

I've cut mint and am about to brew some tea for the iced mint tea that I'll have out tomorrow evening... I love the smell of mint tea as it brews... it is so uplifting!

I've also got some empty walls to fill! Yvonne O'Brien came to pick up her show leaving three pieces for the gallery. We had a nice visit while she waited for the light to get lower in the sky... she was looking forward to driving across Johnson Mesa and taking pictures on her way home.

So, that's what I mean by switching lanes! We've got change all around and love to make it all good.

Hope we see you here soon, or hear from you soon. Drop an email, come by and read tomorrow evening during our open mike, or just come on by to enjoy the gallery.

Good Road!


Sunday, June 21, 2009

Finding Flow

Happy Fathers Day!

It's a lovely summer day here in northeastern New Mexico. The smell of BBQ wafts in the gentle breeze telling of fathers all around celebrating their day.

I'm working on the blog when I want to be outside working on the landscaping, or painting, or kicking back with my love who is a wonderful father to a very special daughter. We'd make a toast to my father and the life he gave me and my siblings. Speaking of siblings, my sister just had a very successful reception for the artist, she being the artist, down in Santa Fe. Mom threw the reception at El Museo Cultural Center where her show Blue is hanging. The work was made in part to help her mourn the passing of dad. Karyna will be here next weekend as our featured act for Live @ Studio C! and I would love to have the house filled for her performance. The theme will be Dear Dad for the open mike. It will be a great chance to honor and share your thoughts on fatherhood, your dad, and life in general.

I've got a lot of new items to put into the gallery so that keeps me busy too.

I'm switching out artists in the gallery over the next ten days. Yvonne O'Brien's show ends officially today. She'll pick up her work Thursday or Friday so you have a chance to meet her. Give me a call and I'll let you know when to be here. We'll be keeping some of her work and her cards as she becomes one of the gallery "regulars".

Nathaniel Franklin, local sculptor and painter, will be bringing his work the next week. His show is titled Facing West. I am pleased to be able to show his work and look forward to what he has to bring.... he's still working on new pieces so I'm not sure exactly what we will be getting! We've decided on Saturday August 7th for his reception. Check back for more details as it gets closer.

I'll be headed south to deliver artwork created this spring at Des Moines Schools in the Art Plays Its Part! program for display in the 48th annual New Mexico Arts & Crafts Fair next weekend in Albuquerque. If you can see the show please do!

Have a great day and a wonderful week. Find your flow. Share your Joy!


Friday, June 12, 2009

Skipping Across Streams

Convergence and conjunctions abound as I figure out how to balance my ambitions with my aspirations and inclinations. My cousin Debbie sent me this YouTube video of an amazing young pianist... watching him play inspires me.

The gallery is vibrating with Yvonne O'Brien's photography show: light, structure, space. Her work hangs through June 22nd. If you've not seen the show please come by to see these images. I know you will be glad you did.

We'll be hanging a new show next week: Facing West. Local artist Nathaniel Franklin brings his sculpture and paintings into the gallery. We're still discussing the date for his artist's reception and I'll let you know what date to put aside as soon as I can.

I'm really proud of the work I've been doing with Des Moines Schools. We're working on funding efforts and just completed an application to the NEA for Learning In the Arts funds. The grant reads well and the program samples look great. I'm impressed with how much we've progressed since our first attempt last year. The NEA is looking at receiving an increase in it's budget of $15 million which would be very helpful. Please support the arts and let your legislators know that you are making arts your priority.

I want to thank Russ Ballew and Karen Anderson for coming out to entertain us last Live @ Studio C! The theme was Compassion and we enjoyed a great show which left everyone talking about the roll of faith in their lives and also celebrating our many blessings. Thank you too to everyone who came out to hear these wonderful musicians. If you've not heard Karen play her harps you simply must plan on coming to our show in November when Karen will be our featured act.

Our June theme is Dear Dad. The date is June 28th and the show starts at 5:30. My sister Karyna Cragin is the featured act and returns with her African balafone, her marimba, and hopefully a guitar and some songs for our piano. Tim Keller is in the spotlight singing his songs and reading poetry or stories from his growing collection. Bring your stories of and for your fathers or father figures in your life and sign up for our open mike. Remember there is a piano here and we welcome all forms of creative expression. It will be a fine summer night to bring a friend with you too. I'm making some nut breads and will have great coffee freshly perked and iced-mint tea. Should be a great evening! Come on out.

Summer Art! class schedule is now available. Next week we will be working with pastel on paper.... this is one of my favorite mediums. Some of my current "in-progress" work can be seen on my Flickr site here. I like to call my pastel work painting since the chalk moves so well on paper and is easily blended. Working with the sticks of pastel usually leads to smudging with my fingers. Edges are places to explore as colors meld or bounce off of each other depending on the desired effect. Call 575-278-3517 or email to enroll or to ask questions.

Chocolate is back in stock. We've got 77% humidity and a 21% chance of rain so we are getting on our rain dancing shoes and looking forward to a prime rib dinner at our annual EMS FunFest dinner & dance tonight.

Life is Beautiful!


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Rain ~ Dancing ~ Answering Prayers ~ Prayers Answered!

It is a lovely rainy sky day, thunder rolling in the distance, gray skies getting closer, and coffee freshly brewed keeping me happy. The rains have just begun falling and we are dancing with gratitude for the much needed moisture and the forecast for more!

Yvonne O'Brien's fine art photography graces the gallery now. We are getting ready for you to join us to see this new show. I'd love for you to come to the artist's reception to meet Yvonne Friday May 22nd from 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. Coffee will be flowing as well as iced mint tea, along with other goodies we've got to share. I hope you will make time to come celebrate with us. Purchase one of Yvonne's framed prints this weekend, May 22 - 24, and you'll receive a 10% discount.

I'm feeling really good about the way the energy is flowing in the gallery and want to thank Sasha for helping me with displays and other painterly tasks. I'm open, to remind you, Thursdays - Saturdays 10:00 am until 6:00 and Sundays noon - 4:00 pm. 

In the community news: A Community Yard Sale happens on Saturday May 23rd from 7:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. at the corner of Clayton Hwy 87 & Folsom Hwy 325 in Des Moines. It's a great opportunity to buy, sell or trade your trash, treasures & goods. Call Jalane Osborn @ 575-278-3402 for more information. There will be a concession stand with BBQ, hot dogs, drinks & snacks so you can come out, show your wares, buy others wares and get to know your neighbors. Vital Roads is a sponsor of this event which will happen annually from now on.

The other thing you can do this Saturday is to take the Dry Cimarron Scenic Byways Tour. Sponsored by the Folsom Museum in association with the New Mexico Heritage Preservation Month. You'll meet at the Folsom Museum at 8:00 am. Bring water, good walking shoes, a light jacket, sunscreen and a hat. (Do I sound motherly?) The tour will take all day so make sure your car has a full tank of gas. Lunch will be BBQ at the Cross L Ranch.... donations are always appreciated. Call 575-278-2122 for more information.

Live @ Studio C! is next Saturday May 30th. We start at 5:30 with the open mike which now has three people signed up. Karen Anderson will be here to play her Celtic harp which leads nicely into Russ Ballew's original songs. Get out your creativity and take up this challenge: write. Write about anything... or if you prefer... draw, dance, sing, or play your instrument. If you can't think of anything to inspire your creation I have a suggestion: Share your experience with compassion. Then sign up for open mike and share it on the 30th with our audience here in Des Moines New Mexico.

So, there it is!

May the Rains fall gently and generously all across our parched lands.


Friday, May 15, 2009

Dream Time Coming

I've been inspired by the Garden Club ladies and the rows of new plantings ready to put into the ground with fresh smiling faces. As I rode my bike by the school earlier today Janet & Janice had me determined to be outside on this beautiful spring day.... now, late afternoon and I am finally here to share the news.

I'm just about to begin hanging the next featured artist's show: light, structure, space. Yvonne O'Brien's fine art photography will be featured in the gallery from May 21st through June 21st. Yvonne lives in Cimarron, New Mexico. Her work is dramatic and her connection to nature is deeply felt. Her images will be a joy to have in the gallery. Join us next Friday from 3:00 - 6:00 when we host a a reception for the artist. Come celebrate and have an opportunity to visit with Yvonne. Plan to return several times to be with her work. I hope you'll let one of her framed archival pigment prints work its way into your heart. We have made blank art gift cards for purchase... and of course we have lots of wonderful art and crafts for your shopping delight.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow because it is my mom's 75th birthday! She is such an amazing person and I am so very blessed to have her in my life. Her visit two Sunday's ago, when she came up here with my sister to attend the 3rd annual CreativiTea!, was a gift. Her faith in me keeps me buoyant as I continue to work on how to make this gallery out here in the middle of nowhere work.

Last Sunday we had a fabulous meal at the Capulin Country Store during their annual Mothers' Day brunch. The chicken alfredo was perfect. The buffet table was laden with abundant and delicious fare. We'll definitely plan to be there next year as well as holding the 4th CreativiTea! here the Sunday before.... so, for you advance planners out there May 9 & 16 are the dates to save for Studio C & Capulin Country Store. In the meantime keep your eyes peeled for great arts venues, experiences, and ideas. Share them here if you can't wait for next year's CreativiTea!

Live @ Studio C! is just up ahead. May's show features Russ Ballew, local singer & songwriter from Clayton. He's got a new cd out titled Recovery Music Vol. 3. Check him out at his website.  In the spotlight will be Karen Anderson with her celtic harp. Two friends have already signed up for the open mike list. Tom and Linda will be traveling though and will join in the fun. The date is Saturday May 30th and it all starts at 5:30. Send me an email and I'll put your name on the open mike list too.

This weekend, Saturday May 16th, is your opportunity to join the annual Folsom Archaeological Tour. Two times are available, the morning trip leaves at 8:00 a.m. from the Folsom Museum and the afternoon trip leaves at 1:00 p.m.. A free chuck-wagon lunch is available at the museum. Your donations will be gratefully accepted. All donations will support the Folsom Museum. This tour is amazing! Call 575-278-3664 or 575-278-2122 for more information.

Tim's review of the Des Moines Elementary School's spring program I wrote of two posts ago can be read here and here. (It's two pages so be sure to click both to read the full story) I'm beginning to upload photos from sessions we've had this semester at my Art Plays Its Part! photo gallery here. You can tell I'm proud and excited about working with the school to develop this program.

I'm also excited by the future. Studio C is a work in progress. There is a lot to do before I can call it "done" but I offer my artists a lovely space to show and I offer art appreciators a place to stop and visit and take home something special from the heart of an artist. Thursday, Friday and Saturdays I'm open 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. and Sundays I'm open noon to 4:00 p.m. I am happy to open by appointment Monday - Wednesday. Call the gallery at 575-278-3517 to set up an appointment... or plan on coming by Thursday - Sunday. Let me know you read this blog with a comment and I'll give you 10% off your purchase over $10.00. I've got free wireless internet for my customers. I appreciate your business and look forward to growing into a must stop destination ArtSpace here in Des Moines, NM.

Happy Birthday Mom! 

Blessings of Health, Longevity and Prosperity to all~
